488 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022-5702
(212) 755-7500


Marcus Rosenberg & Diamond LLP Attorney Profiles

  Aaron S. Adler - Associate     
Practice Areas:
  Cooperatives & Condominiums

  Real Property Law

    Professional Experience:
Marcus Rosenberg & Diamond LLP

488 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10022

T:  (212) 755-7500 Ext 204

F:  (212) 755-8713


  Aaron Adler’s practice focuses on all aspects of commercial and residential real estate law.

Prior to joining Marcus Rosenberg & Diamond, Mr. Adler was a real estate development partner for The Hanover Company in the Washington, D.C. area where he focused on multi-family and mixed-use development projects. Previously, Mr. Adler practiced real estate law at Latham & Watkins in New York and corporate law at Reed Smith in Pittsburgh, PA.

Mr. Adler received his law degree from George Washington University and an undergraduate business degree from the University of Michigan. Mr. Adler is licensed to practice law in New York, Florida and Pennsylvania.

  Bar Admissions:
  Ø      New York
Ø      Florida


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